Explore the countryside around Trujillo

Guided by GPS or by a guide

A local bike shop has started last year organising (guided) tours on (e)Bikes, as well as renting them.

I have been using these superb bikes, and although I have been riding bikes al my life (I’m Dutch) it was a completely different experience. By the time the hill is too steep or you are getting too tired, you just engage the battery and of you go. I even have climbed the castle from the backside with almost no effort. Without giving away my age, I can tell you that it is not only for the youngest. It was a great experience and have been to places where I never was able to get in all those years in Trujillo…

You can make it as difficult or as easy as you feel like, there are plenty of GPS routes (long, short, steep, flat) you can choose from. Downtown or deep down (under).


You can rent the bikes once here, or make a reservation at CSR-bikes. If you prefer, we are happy to arrange it for you. And if it suits me and you feel like it, I might as well join you on your trip.